Friday, November 26, 2004

Nov 2004 LIScareer articles

These articles were just published on
You can find these new articles at

If you'd like to write for, please check out the Article Submission Guidelines

Friday, November 12, 2004

Excerpts from The Librarian's Career Guidebook

I've just posted several excerpts from The Librarian's Career Guidebook (which I think will be out in December). Check out the links in the book's table of contents at the Bookstore.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

ALA Library Career Recruitment Forum

Subject: Recruitment--Who Cares? Answer: Everyone who is thinking about the future of libraries! Come to the ALA Library Career Recruitment Forum on January 14, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Boston to learn more! Featured speakers include Carla Hayden, Carol Brey-Casiano, Jim Matarazzo, Keith Curry Lance, a panel of graduate library students from Simmons College and a host of others. Afternoon talk tables will provide small group discussions on a variety of recruitment topics and initiatives. Sample recruiting materials and displays of best practices will be available to participants. The prototype for the new ALA recruitment website will be a highlight of the Forum and your feedback is needed.There is no cost to attend the Forum. An optional lunch will be available to registered participants. Register now by contacting Darlena Davis, ALA Office for Human Resources Development andRecruitment, at See you January 14th! [Julie Brewer, ALA Recruitment Assembly]

Monday, November 01, 2004

Informed Librarian Online article & featured book

If you're moving into a new job soon, you might want to check out my article "Off to a Good Start: Strategies for Your First Year in a New Job," just published in the Nov issue of Informed Librarian Online. ILO also offers a discount on The Librarian's Career Guidebook (see table of contents at the LIScareer Bookstore). The latest I've heard is that the book will be published in Nov or Dec -- you can be sure I'll announce it here when the book's available!